The Pregnancy Problem Center began 37 years ago in Baton Rouge as a resource for women facing unplanned crisis pregnancies.

At the Pregnancy Problem Center, we believe that God is the author of life and that abortion is never the answer to an unplanned crisis pregnancy. We are dedicated to giving compassionate, practical assistance to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies, therefore, we offer alternatives to abortion. For those women who are not married, we encourage abstinence.

To learn more about the services we offer or to learn how you can help, please contact us at (225) 924-1400.

Visit Us

Remember, you are NOT alone. We can support you! The Problem Pregnancy Center is here to help you get through your pregnancy. Make an appointment to find information, care, and support for this important time in your life.
Your visit will be completely free and confidential. We are here to answer any questions you have about your pregnancy and options that are best for you and your baby.